Vote in the D-3 Special Election! The last day to vote is April 8th.
Spartans, eligible voters in San José City Council District 3 (which includes SJSU Campus Housing), can vote in the April 8th Special Election to fill the D-3 City Council seat. Make your voice heard SJSU! Local politics matters. Do you care about homelessness, housing policy, development, public safety, bike lines, and downtown businesses? If so, get involved in this election. You can get involved in multiple ways. First, be sure to register to vote by March 24. Then join us to help mobilize voters. Then be sure to vote by April 8th. You can find more information about the Special Election here.
Spartans, Get Involved in the 2024-2025 A.S. Elections!
Schedule for A.S. Elections (from
Elections Kick Off
03/18, Tuesday, 11am-1pm
S.U. Meeting Room 4
Meet the Candidates
04/08, Tuesday, 1-3pm
S.U. Meeting Room 4
Candidate Videos
Instagram @as_sjsu
04/10-11, Thursday-Friday
Candidate Debates
04/17 Thursday, 5-7
S.U. Meeting Room 4
Voting begins at 7pm
Voting Booths
04/21-22, Monday-Tuesday, 11am-3pm
7th Street: in front of Student Wellness Center
Housing Quad
Elections Results Reveal
04/24, Thursday, 12-2pm
S.U. Meeting Room 1
A.S. SJSU is a student-owned and operated non-profit organization. They provide multiple opportunities to get involved and to obtain leadership skills.
“The Associated Students (A.S.) Board of Directors represent the student body as their governing council. They are the voice of SJSU students and advocate on their behalf on campus, statewide and national issues affecting them” You have the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors. You also have the right to vote for the Board. SJSU Votes encourages you to be actively involved in A.S. Elections. Run, vote, encourage others to get involved. Elections kick off 3/18/25. You can find more information, including the candidate information packet here.
The Presidential Election is November 5, 2024. Missed the Registration Deadline?
You can register to vote at the on-campus vote center using “same-day” or conditional voter registration. The on-campus vote center is open November 2nd-4th 9:00am-5:00pm and Election Day, November 5th 7:00am-8:00pm. It is located in the Provident Credit Union Event Center, Room 1035. After registering, you will be able to vote using a conditional voter registration provisional ballot. Once your voter registration is verified, your ballot will be counted.
Spartans, if you are in line at the on-campus vote center at 8pm on Election Day, stay in line. You will be assisted. #sjsuvotes
Spartans, check out these great GOTV ads made by students in Pols 108!
nonpartisan GOTV ad from students in SJSU Pols 108 class
nonpartisan GOTV ad from students in SJSU Pols 108 class
nonpartisan GOTV ad from students in SJSU Pols 108 class
nonpartisan GOTV ad from students in SJSU Pols 108 class
Spartans, register to vote. Then, take the ALL IN pledge to vote.
SJSU Votes is a nonpartisan campus voter registration, education, mobilization, and civic engagement initiative managed by SJSU students and faculty, under the direction of the Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement (IPACE).
Important Dates for the November 2024 Election
September 6 State voter guide available online from the CA Secretary of State.
September 17 SJSU Votes Festival celebrating National Voter Registration Day and Constitution Day on the 7th St. Paseo at San José State University.
October 7 VBM ballots are mailed to registered voters by county elections officials, beginning today.
October 8 Ballot drop off locations open today.
October 21 Last day to register to vote and receive a vote-by-mail (VBM) ballot.
October 22 Missed the registration deadline? Same-day or conditional voter registration begins today.
October 26 Vote centers open for early in-person voting in all Voter’s Choice Act counties (including Santa Clara County).
November 2 Vote center opens on campus SJSU Provident Credit Union Event Center (Room 1035).
November 5 Election Day (last day to vote). Polls are open 7am-8pm.
November 12 Vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked on or before Nov 5th and received by today.
Join us at the SJSU Votes Festival, celebrating National Voter Registration Day and Constitution Day, on Tuesday, 9/17 11am-7pm!
Other Information about SJSU Votes
On the SJSU Votes website, you can register to vote, update your registration, check your registration status, and find answers to FAQs about voter registration and voting in California. You will also be able to find information about the upcoming election and contact information for your elected officials.
SJSU Votes works with the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters, CommUniverCity, the SJSU Office of the President, the League of Women Voters, Pi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Iota chapter, Associated Students, Beyond Sparta, the SJSU Center for Community Learning & Leadership, the California Secretary of State’s office, and many other partners. SJSU Votes was created in Fall 2018 as active-learning GOTV project in Political Science 108, Political Participation.
A student holding a “I voted sticker” at a SJSU Votes! tabling event on the 7th St. Plaza.